Friday, December 26, 2008

it don matter how he looks...its the inside that count....yeah right

I dont know how many of you have actually seen or read the movie/book called perfume : the story of a murderer...but I just saw the movie last night...frankly speaking I was quite fascinated by all of it....Imagine being able to create a scent with which you could dominate the world...Let alone that...being able to create soemthing that can not just make you smell like a bunch of roses but actually make people love you...or was it lust you...either ways works for me....and Im sure works for everyone who is actually ...ACTUALLY truly true to themselves....

The movie clearly mentioned it had the power to command love within mankind...and likely so...the love of such an extent that an entire amphitheatre of people forget the fact that he had murdered innocent women and then let him scot free (!?!)....

Anyways....that made me think...why did the story have to equate love within mankind to a massive orgy scene of 750 people....Is always love equated to lust or is it just some "pour homme" fantasy that love is equal to lust..ALWAYS..he he...I bet we women though we pretend to hate that notion of the men..we secretly enjoy being lusted...How many of you...women out there I mean....can admit that you love it when the guy makes the first advances in a new relationship.....Tell me it doesnt make you feel desirable and pretty and all those inexplainable feelings that cant even be penned down in the first place.....

but come to think of love all about lusting the other person?All the "NICE" boys and gals would beg to differ Im sure...but lets just get really into the question....How many of us have actually realised that no matter how nice we want to matter how saintly and politically correct we can be by saying "nah...looks dont matter to me....for me its the inside that counts..." yeah right inside his clothes that count you mean secretly.....It all boils down to the fact that yes...good looking people certainly have an edge over our poor unlucky..should I say unlucky counterparts.....It almost seems like ugly people dont even stand a chance in this superficial world of ours.....I think all the gyms and fitness centres would even cease to exist had the opposite sex...or rather.... in some cases the same sex people.... were not worried abt how they looked....

and from the looks...your almost half there...Its like half your battle is already won...youve already got the other person so smitten by your looks that it almost gives you the license of being a perfect assh**e and then get away with it.....Its painful but sadly that is the truth....

Ask any woman whose been treated like shit and put up with it...only cos she could nt resist his looks and worse, let go of someone who looked that great and then be alone....I once heard someone say that hed rather be with someone he didnt enjoy being with than be alone....such is the sad state of us humans...and we better just accept the fact that we re all superficial suckers who just plain want matter where it comes from...else we wish hard to be worthy of gaining attention...I only said wish..I never said do anything about it...which kinda explains my expiring and unused gym membership......